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Conservation Commission

Regular Meeting – August 9, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Commissioners Cramer, Gaudet Wilson, Henderson, Hovious, and Kaley
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning and Land Use and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm

Public Participation:  None

Correspondence:  Commissioner Wilson read a memo received from the P & Z commission asking for a list of studies the commission has undertaken to reference in the POCD.  The commissioners compiled a brief list including:  The Yale Study, NRI, OS Inventory, Embrace a Stream, Deep Brook Study, Forestry Walk (Scott Williams), Forest Walk with DEP (Larry Rousseau and Jerry Milne), The Views of Newtown, Owl Boxes, Bio Blitz (part of NRI), Location Reviews, and Invasives.  The list will be refined.

Approval of Minutes:  Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of July 12, 2011, which was seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.  Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of July 26, 2011, which was seconded by Commissioner Henderson.  The minutes were approved as amended.

Administrative Item:  (Project Management/Task List) – Commissioner Kaley reviewed items on the task list.  The commissioners scheduled a walk on Sweet Briar open space (see Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress).  


Fairfield Hills Open Space Update – It was noted that the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee is working on completing their report to be forwarded to the Board of Selectmen.  

Work Orders – Commissioner Wilson said the work order for the road leading to the kiosk at Pole Bridge was submitted.  Mr. Sibley said the tractor they were using on Pole Bridge was not strong enough to remove the woody vegetation in the meadow so a different machine is being used.  He noted that trespassers pushed rocks into the middle of the meadow.  Illegal signs were placed on the parcel and Emerald Ash Bore tracking devices were placed in the trees by the DEEP (DEP).  Mr. Sibley explained how the State has a legal easement on this parcel.  Mr. Sibley said the Autumn Olive, Multiflora Rose and Barberry are very pervasive.  Chain saws will be used to remove the autumn olive stumps.  A work order includes the parking lot and that drainage and erosion issues at the entrance will be worked on.  Commissioner Hovious said that this project is a good educational opportunity and that before and after pictures should be taken and displayed with information on the new kiosk.

Mr. Sibley said the DEEP (aka DEP) is requesting signs be changed to show their new symbol.  

Commissioner Wilson reviewed the list of outstanding work orders.  Mr. Sibley will request an update from Parks and Rec. on the status of all work orders.

Horse Guard – Commissioner Henderson reviewed a list of points that would be relayed in a letter supporting the appeal requesting that the 2nd Company Governor’s Horse Guard be allowed to remain in Newtown.  

Open Space 37-3-14 – Commissioner Wilson will send Elizabeth Stocker and the First Selectman an e-mail.

32 Cedar Hill Road Subdivision – No update.   This item will be taken off the agenda and kept on the task list. The commissioners asked about the timeline regarding the transference of the deed.  Mr. Sibley explained that the Mylar needs to be submitted for the record and at that time the deed is usually transferred.  The Tax Assessor’s office updates their database which will then generate an update to the GIS system.  

Laurel Trail Evaluation – This item will also be taken off the agenda and placed on the task list.

Forest Evaluation – The Commissioners scheduled the Forest Evaluation of Raynolds and Stone Bridge for Thursday, September 22nd.  The commissioners will meet with Larry Rousseau (DEEP) at 1:00 pm (for Raynolds) and then will walk Stone Bridge later around 3:00 pm.

Conservation Subdivisions – Commissioner Wilson said that Planning and Zoning has scheduled a Special Meeting on Thursday at 4:00 pm with the Conservation Commission and realtors to discuss Conservation Subdivisions.  Developers will be invited to a meeting in September.

Victory Garden – Commissioner Kaley said the garden looks wonderful.  Produce will be sent to the food pantry where Social Services can distribute to food pantries.  


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress (Letter to neighbors) –Mr. Sibley said staff will mail out the letters to neighbors of open space parcels and that Sweet Briar Preserve will be the first to be completed.   The Open Space Inventory was reviewed.  

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – The commissioners will meet on Wednesday, August 17th at 9:00 am at the Misty Vale Deli to walk the Sweet Briar Preserve  (M/B/L:  53-3-32 and 53-3-33) and install open space markers.   

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – No update

Conservation Easement on WWTP – Mr. Sibley said everything is in order but the easement needs to be recorded.  

Status of Halfway River Access – Mr. Sibley said the engineering for the entrance and parking, as well as the surveying, may be completed within the next few months.  

Status of Sign for Taunton Lake – Mr. Sibley said Voss Signs delivered signs this week.  

Iroquois Invasive Documentation – No update

Education Subcommittee – The committee will look for a volunteer to help create a website for the commission that can be linked on the Town’s website.  The subcommittee will meet on August 10th at 6:30 pm.  

Invasives Subcommittee – Commissioner Henderson said the next invasive removal work day is scheduled for August 19th (with August 25th as the rain date).  The group will meet at 9:00 am at the Municipal Center.  Mr. Sibley said two interns have been working in the field at Turnberry Lane and Toddy Hill Road to remove Autumn Olive.  Commissioner Hovious asked Mr. Sibley if invasive removal plans are planned near the Regency (Toll Brothers).  Although Toll Brothers removed invasives as part of an agreement, the plants have re-grown.

Al’s Trail – No update

Strategic Planning No update

TBDAC – No update


Health Fair on September 24, 2010 – Mr. Sibley said the Health Department asked if the commission would like to participate at the Health Fair by setting up a table.  It will be held from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Gym at the Middle School.

Request from Monroe CC re Tree Ordinance – Commissioner Wilson received a call from Beverly Doyle from the Monroe Conservation Commission asking other area towns have tree ordinances.  This was suggested to them by consultants doing a study on the Pequonnock River.  She felt the commissions should keep in touch and share information. She noted that the Monroe CC has a very good web site with a great deal of information for the public.  Mr. Sibley said that although there is no town-wide tree ordinance, the Borough has its own tree ordinance.  The Town has forestry practices guidelines and that there is a provision in the scenic road ordinance that protects trees and vegetation along a scenic road.  He also said that tree removal near wetlands is not allowed.

Meadow Near Barb’s Trail – Commissioner Wilson received a call from Holly Kocet who is concerned about the mowing of several large fields near Barb’s Trail (in the Dickenson Park area). She felt cutting at this time of year disturbs the wild flowers as well as birds, insects and other wildlife that use these areas for habitat.  She asked Mr. Sibley if it is necessary that Parks and Rec. mow this area.  Mr. Sibley said he will e-mail them and request that they restrict the mowing of this area to the late fall.

Haddam Land Swap – Commissioner Hovious discussed an e-mail from the Rivers Alliance of CT concerning implications regarding a land swap proposed by a developer.   The land swap takes a conservation property out of the Recreational and Natural Heritage Trust (RNHT) Fund portfolio and conveys it to a private developer.  It accepts in an exchange, or swap, land purchased by the developer elsewhere and does this without going through the DEEP process for approving land exchanges.  This swap is done through the 2011 Land Conveyance Act, which is often interpreted as abrogating all other laws and agreements relating to the properties being conveyed.  He spoke with Margaret Miner to discuss properties in the RNHT fund that may not have protective deeds upon them.  Ms. Miner said it would be helpful for Rivers Alliance of CT to know if there are State owned or State funded conservation properties within towns.  Commissioner Hovious would like to research this to see if any properties in Newtown relates to this.  Mr. Sibley said he the Kazan property was bought with this funding but the Kazan’s may have placed a restriction on the deed.  He will get a copy of the deed for this property.

Commissioner Cramer motioned to adjourn at 9:48 pm.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Henderson.